Lesson plan is a teacher's compass in the classroom and according to an educationist "lesson plan is the teacher's visa to the classroom". It's thus important for a teacher to plan his/her lesson prior to entering the classroom to deliver his/her instruction in order to avoid failure and achieve success in teaching and learning.
A good lesson plan is centred around the objectives of the instruction - feasible objectives that will be achieved within a time frame or period. In developing a lesson plan, the teacher has to consider and answer the following questions :
*what do I want to teach?
*how do I teach it and for how long?
*what instructional material and resources do I need?
*and how do I evaluate the teaching and learning process at the end of the lesson?
The following steps may be more helpful in planning or devising a lesson plan.
1. Topic : identify the topic to be taught, usually from the scheme of work or unit plan.
2. Duration : make a schedule for the lesson including the time frame to teach the topic.
3. Previous knowledge : identify the learners previous knowledge in relation to the topic.
4. Instructional material : identify and acquire materials to aid the teaching and learning of the topic.
5. Teaching method : identify a suitable or combinations of suitable method of teaching the topic.
6. Presentation : map-out a step by step ways to deliver the content of the topic and achieve the stated
objectives - stating activities of both the teacher and learner at intervals.
7. Evaluation : lastly, device a means to evaluate wether the objectives of the lesson been achieved or not. Evaluations can be in form of a question or performing a task.
As a format, below is a lesson plan I once wrote for a topic in chemistry, it may be helpful but by no means perfect and it's important for every teacher to develop his or her own lesson plan.
School : ****
Class : SSS 1
Subject : Chemistry
Topic : Introduction to chemistry
Duration : 45 minutes
Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, students should be able to :
(1) define chemistry
(2) list career prospect in chemistry and
(3) explain adverse effect of chemicals
Instructional Material : chart/poster showing various industries and adverse effect of chemicals/drugs.
Previous Knowledge : students are familiar with different household chemicals and some adverse effect of chemicals as acids.
Method of Teaching : verbal instruction and discussion method.
Presentation : the teacher presents the lesson in the following ways :
Step I :
Teacher's Activity : the teacher defines chemistry and explain the application of knowledge of chemistry to industries as well as identify useful products from chemical industries.
Student's Activity : the students listen attentively and also identify products of chemical industries around the school.
Step II
Teacher's Activity : the teacher list and explain various career prospects in chemistry as well as identify industries tied to each career.
Student's Activity : the students pay attention.
Step III
Teacher's Activity : the teacher initiate a discussion with students to identify a potential career for themselves in chemistry and give reasons for their choice.
Student's Activity : students respond with their career choice and possible reasons for the choice they've made.
Step IV
Teacher's Activity : Using chart and postals, the teacher initiates discussion on some application and adverse effects of chemicals and chemical industries on human, animals and the environment.
Student's Activity : students in discussion weigh the application and adverse effect of chemicals and chemical industries.
Teacher's Activity : the teacher ask students to answer the following oral questions :
*Define chemistry
*Identify five (5) industries that apply the knowledge of chemistry.
Students Activity : the students answer the questions above.
The teacher conclude the lesson by giving assignment to students :
(1)List five (5) career linked to chemistry.
(2)State three (3) applications and three (3) adverse effect of chemicals.
(3)Identify ten (10) common products of chemical industries used in everyday life.
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