Really examinations could as well be fun, more especially if the candidate was well prepared for it. Examinations are an evaluation tool, a means to assess how much of an objective has been achieved. Every subject or course has its own objectives - the changes that its expected to produce in the learner or student - and examination is one of the tools used to evaluate an extent to which the learner has acquire the behavioural changes expected from learning the subject.
The key to success in any examination is its preparation for it. Preparation is a key ingredient to succeeding in any examinations, in fact, failure to prepare spells examination disaster. Morals are abound in comprehension passages we read during our primary school days. In a popular one that most people might remember : "Agbo failed to prepare for his examination, instead, he consulted a witch doctor who gave him a magical ring to wear and that with some incantation, the ring would aid him to perform well in his examinations, but when the ring failed as promised, Agbo became angry and sad that he eventually threw the ring into a river ".
Today's scenario might be students dependent on pen or other writing materials. A lot of students still hold superstitious belief on one or more writing material to aid them in examination rather than prepare well for it.
So, how will a student prepare for examinations ?
The following are tips that can aid students performance in any examination...
1. Studying
Studying is the key preparation for any examination, but the manner in which to successfully study is what often elude students. Below are some study tips
(A). Choose a study location : choose an appropriate location for your study, preferably, a quite and serene environment. The environment in which you study strongly affect how much value you get out of your study time. Personally, in my undergraduate days, i simply prefer studying at home, in contrast to my room mate who prefer going to the class to be in company of course mates for his study. So its all about individual choice.
(B). Study time : the best study time for examinations are days to the commencement of each paper. Most students make the mistake of reading for examinations, a day or hours to the paper. In actual sense, revisions ought to be done during these periods. The best practice is to make a study schedule or time table a week or two to the commencement of examinations such that the eve or hours to the examination would be devoted to revisions or simply for relaxation.
(C). Group study : engage in small size group study with course mates as often as you might require. Note however, that, there is no alternative to spending quality studying time alone preparing for examinations. A lot of students make the mistake of moving from one study group or tutorial class to another during examination season, hardly taking the break to study personally. This would be a poor way to prepare for exams.
(D). Avoid cramming : as much as you could, avoid cramming when preparing for any examination. Most people who cram often get disappointed by their memory and what follows in the examination hall is confusion, loss of confidence and anger.
(E). Practice past questions : most examination questions are often drawn from past questions. So, when preparing for any examination, its always advisable to attempt past questions both in personal and in group study.
(2). Staying stress free
For most students, the mention of "exam" sends fear and tension through their nerves. Unfortunately, tension alone could cause failure even for the most prepared student. So, its most important to be stress and tension free before going into an examination hall. As was earlier mentioned, examinations are a tool of evaluation and not a means to spoil fun.
Here are a few tips to stay stress free before an examination.
(A). Get quality sleep : if you must spend parts of the night reading, then, it will be a good idea to go to bed early. Its not uncommon to see students feeling tensed, uncomfortable and even sleeping in the examination hall for the lack of quality sleeping time before the examination. So don't over work your self on the eve or hours to the examination.
(B). Be in company of friends : be in company of friends and as much as possible, play games and crack jokes - isolation is a bad alternative.
(C). Relaxation : put yourself in a relaxation mood and free your mind ! Rather than worry, just put up self confidence and hope for the very best.
(3). Examination ethics
There are some proper ways to go about conducting yourself in the examination hall if you must maximize your potential for success in the examination.
(A). Choosing a seat : in examination centres where seats are not officially allocated to candidates, then, its most important to use your free will to choose a suitable seat most preferably far from friends and dependents. You can easily be carried away by calls from friends or get disappointed by those on whom you had depend. So always make up your mind to be independent and your seat location should indicate that.
Instructions are part of examination, so don't ignore them, read them ! When answering objective questions, don't waste much time on any question, move to the next as soon as possible. In essay questions, take some time to read through all options or questions before selecting the ones to answer. If you ever get stucked in any part of a question, waste no time, just move on to the next. In cases where questions are marks tagged, always consider the mark allocated to each question as a guide to how indepth or time you should spend answering the question.
Lastly, use the allocated time wisely, always reserve time for proof reading and corrections before submiting your answers booklet.
Though these tips are not exhaustive, they can however aid your chances of success if they are followed. So am wishing the very best in your exams.
Good luck !
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