Thesis is a must for most degree before the award of a certificate, but till date, none could be trace to his name, either on shelf or in a reputable journal publication platform. The president has however, continues to title himself a Doctor(PhD).
So, does president Jonathan possesses a doctoral degree ?. An organization; Institute of Human Right and Humanitarian Law, has embark on a quest to answer this question. Under the Freedom Of Information (F.O.I) Act, the organization has written to authority of University of Port Harcourt to provide details of Mr. Jonathan's doctoral qualifications. The organization prays the university to provide document/information on the following :
doctorate dissertation
doctorate candidate
external examiners on the
thesis and
The organization's quest may not be unrelated to the recent controversy generated about the academic qualification and eligibility of the opposition's All Progressive Congress (A.P.C) presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari to contest in the upcoming presidential election. The General is currently facing multiple law suits seeking his disqualification from the race on issues surrounding his secondary school certificate.
Mr. Jonathan may however, face similar suits on the ground of perjury should it be discovered that he does not possesses the academic qualification to which he had laid claims to.
Under the FOI act, the university has seven days on receiving the notice to reply with the requested information or face court charges.
So, the waits begin...
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