A basic litmus test that could be used to judge the performance of any government/party is its achievement in the education sector. Education lays the foundations for every other sector of the nation, thus, achievement in it should be milestone. The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has produced leaders that have ruled Nigeria for over a decade now but the education sector is very little different from the era of military rule in the country.
Policies were less stable, strike actions were more rampant in the sector, and funding was equally a major issue. In summary, education didn't fair better and the situation is more reflected in every society of the country with rise in unemployment, crime, violence, and snail pace scientific and technological development.
The ruling party's manifesto on education is reproduced here as a reference in scoring its overall performances.
Peoples Democratic Party Logo |
Education is an important social instrument for national unity amongst the diverse peoples of Nigeria. The party in government shall:
a. Ensure that the educational system is improved upon;
b. Ultimately provide free, functional education at all levels;
c. Integrate into the formal education system the political education of the citizenry with emphasis on the provision of the Constitution, the state and democratic principles;
d. Foster and expand education all levels and fields of knowledge; and
e. Encourage private and voluntary organizations to establish schools subject to compliance and adherence to existing government policies.
Strategy :
PDP in government shall pursue the following:
a. Promotion of per-primary education by encouraging the establishment of private Nursery schools in such a way that every Nigerian child shall have the opportunity to start education at the nursery levels;
b. Provision of: i. Free and compulsory primary education; ii. Free and compulsory junior secondary education; and iii.Free qualitative senior secondary education
c. Expansion of the Unity School system as models and as instruments of fostering national unity;
d. Greater involvement of private individuals and agencies in the delivery of education services, subject to government regulation;
e. Establishment of adult and continuing education centre to promote mass literacy among Nigerians.
f. Provision of technical educational institutions with well-equipped workshop and adequate and well-trained-teachers;
g. Encouragement of the establishment of private universities, polytechnic and colleges of education subject to government regulation;
h. Adequate funding of university education;
i. Raising of the social and economic status of educational personnel through improved conditions of services;
j. Free University education for all student of science, technology and medicines;
k. Provision of Federal Government Scholarship on merit;
l. Provision of library, laboratory and workshop facilities in all schools and colleges;
m. Encouragement and promotion of the running of consultancy units in all universities.
n. Guaranteeing of all academic freedom in the university system;
o. Encouragement of entrepreneurs to provide hostels accommodation affordable to university students;
p. Aggressive training of teaching personnel and enforcement for the requirement that the National Certificate in Education shall be the minimum qualification for primary school teachers;
q. Provision of special facilities for the schooling of the children of nomads; and
r. Provision of adequate educational facilities and manpower for the handicapped
The objectives of the party shall be:
a. The provision of adequate industrial base for rapid technological development and promotion of scientific and technological literacy among Nigerians;
b. The acquisition, adoption, utilization and appreciation of scientific and technological invention and methods in everyday activities; and
c. The encouragement and promotion of appropriate technologies necessary for sustainable development.
The strategies shall be to:
a. Provision facilities and create conducive environment for the promotion of scientific and technological literacy among Nigerians;
b. Encourage existing scientific and technological research institutions to develop simple tools for industrial plants using locally available raw materials;
c. Promote acquiring spirit and inventive process in all levels of the nation’s educational systems;
encourage the development of scientific and technological attitude and culture among Nigerians; and
e. Accelerate the completion of the iron, steel, gas and petrol-chemical plants currently under construction in the country.
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