Before the commencement of the negotiation both parties representatives (FGN and ASUU) affirmed that they had the MANDATE of their respective PRINCIPALS to (Re)negotiate.
Both Teams agreed that the following issues will form the agenda and focus for the Re-Negotiation:
(a) Conditions of Service
(b) Funding
(c) University Autonomy and Academic Freedom
(d) Other Matters
Salary Structure for Academic Staff in Nigerian Universities
Both team agreed to a salary structure for academic staffs which is to be known as Consolidated University Academic Salary Structure II (CONUASS II), CONUASS II is made up of the following three components:
(a) The Consolidated Salary Structure for Academic Staff (CONUASS) approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) effective 1st January 2007 (FGN Circular SWC/S/04/S.309/1, dated 18th January, 2007).
(b) Consolidated Peculiar University Academic Allowances (CONPUAA), exclusively for university teaching staff and derived from allowances not adequately reflected or not consolidated in CONUASS.
(c) Rent as approved by the FGN effective 1st January 2007 (FGN Circular SWC/S/04
Earned Academic Allowances
It was agreed that entitled academic staff shall be paid the following earned allowances at the rates indicated for undertaking the listed assignments.
a. Postgraduate Supervision Allowance
(i) Lecturer I N15,000 per student, per annum.
(ii) Senior Lecturer N20,000 per student, per annum.
(iii) Reader & Professor N25,000 per student, per annum.
b. Teaching Practice/Industrial Supervision/Field Trip Allowances
(i) Assistant Lecturer – Lecturer I N60,000 per annum.
(ii) Senior Lecturer N80,000 per annum.
(iii) Reader & Professor N100,000 per annum.
c. Honoraria for External/Internal Examiner (Postgraduate Thesis)
(i) Master’s degree N80,000 per thesis.
(ii) Doctorate degree N105,000 per thesis
(i) Master’s degree N45,000 per thesis.
(ii) Doctorate degree N65,000 per thesis.
d. Responsibility Allowance
Allowance shall be paid annually as follows:
i. Deputy Vice-Chancellor/Librarian N750,000
ii. Provost/Dean/Director N500,000
iii. Deputy/Vice/Associate Dean or Provost N350,000
iv. Head of Dept./Sub Dean N250,000
v. Fac./Dept. Exam Officer N150,000
vi. Hall Warden N150,000
vii. All other Officers N150,000
e. Excess Workload Allowance
Excess Workload Allowance shall be paid as follows:
i. Professor N3,500 per hour
ii. Reader N3,500 per hour
iii. Senior Lecturer N3,500 per hour
iv. Lecturer I N2,000 per hour
v. Lecturer II N2,000 per hour
vi. Assistant Lecturer N2,000 per hour
vii. Graduate Assistant N2,000 per hour University.
In addition, academic staffs will enjoy other benefits as part of conditions for their services, these include; housing loan, vehicle loan, vacation, maternity, research, sick and sabatical leave.
Funding of Universities
It was agreed to recommend that: a. All regular Federal Universities shall require the sum of one trillion, five hundred and eighteen billion, three hundred and thirty-one million, five hundred and forty five thousand, three hundred and four naira (N1,518,331,545,304) only for the period 2009 -2011 as follows:
2009- N472,031,575,919
2010- N497,531,778,701
2011- N548,768,190,681
Total amount (2009-2011)- N1, 518, 331, 545, 304
b. Each State University shall require three million, six hundred and eighty thousand and eighteen Naira (N3,680,018) per student for the period 2009 – 2011 as follows:
2009- N1,144,075
2010- N1,205,880
2011- N1,330,063
Total (2009-2011)- N3,680,000
Re-negotiation Committee agreed to recommend to the relevant authorities that:
(a) A minimum of 26% of the annual budget of the State and Federal Governments be allocated to education;
(b) At least 50% of the budgeted 26% shall be allocated to the universities.
University Autonomy
The Government, on its part, would ensure that in dealing with the universities, the powers of the university Governing Councils and Senates are fully respected in view of the fact that one source of friction regarding university autonomy is the role and the force of circulars emanating from Government in the operation of the Universities, which, in some cases, have been observed to conflict with statutory powers of University Councils and Senates and undermine due process and fair procedures in the operation of the Universities.
Other Matter
The effective date of this Agreement shall be 1st July, 2009, except that the effective date for the 70 years retirement age for those academics in the Professorial cadre shall notionally be 1st January, 2009.
There shall be Periodic Review of the Agreement and It was also agreed that whenever there is a general increase in public sector salaries and allowances, the remuneration of academic staff shall be correspondingly increased.
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